Leopardskin Jasper usually displays spots and swirls of black and brown stone across a pink, gray or sand colored base. The patterns often resemble leopardskin and give this Jasper its descriptive name. The stone is often used in magic to help or protect animals and shamanic rituals to connect with your personal totem animal or familiar.
Leopardskin Jasper is an excellent companion stone for anyone studying natural magic or seeking a better understanding of the sacred Earth. Working with the stone over time is said to help you develop patience and cunning along with the intuitive animal knowledge of which battles to fight and which to avoid in life. It can increase your 'shape-shifting' abilities, enhancing your empathy with animals, helping you to experience the world through their senses and encouraging a deeper spiritual connection with the living beings who share our world.
Traditionally, Leopardskin Jasper was used in spells for magical secrecy, invisibility and the ability to walk unseen. Meditation and crystal gazing with this stone can help you clarify your choices in life and guide you to the right path, often through a series of unusual coincidences and synchronicities. Leopardskin Jasper was once believed to help prevent infection and heal wounds caused in fights or battles. In the modern world it is more commonly used to help heal emotional scars caused by past traumas, abuse or neglect.